Being a grandchild of the violinist Tibor Berkovits and the concert pianist Hedwig Schneider, and also being the daugther of two classical musicians, my path of life seemed quite predetermined. As a result, I received my first piano lessons at the music school of my city of birth, Neuss (Germany), from 1989 on... Not for long, though, because from youth on I got my own way. I had discovered a much more thrilling instrument: my own voice...

… It all began with singing in the Düsseldorfer Mädchenchor, the girls' choir of the city of Düsseldorf. Besides getting to know a considerable concert repertory there, I gained first experience on stage at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, which consists of both the opera house in Düsseldorf and the theatre in Duisburg. As a member of its children's choir, I played a variety of roles (e.g. Hansel and Gretel, La Bohème, The Rose Cavalier).

At the same time, my interest in jazz increased further and further.

I had discovered a much more thrilling instrument: my own voice.

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